Armed with a gun and a special lamp, you needs to survive against monsters and defeat the boss.
Programmer, Artist & designer Alexandre Sanches Mateus
During my first year at the IIM, I created this project (my first experience with unity) in order to get into programming.
Use the rigidbody component of Unity. The player can move around with Q,D and jump with space.
The player can also use ladders by pressing Z and S to go up or down.
He can respawn at checkpoint across the level when he fall but not when he have no more HP.
There are 3 types of enemies :
SPIDER : shoots cobweb at the player when he come closer. NORMAL : when see the player, he will run toward him. UNSTOPPABLE : make a patrol between two position at a constant speed. Don't take damage bu can be afraid with UV light (USP).
USP (Unique Selling Proposition) & UTILITIES
The player is equiped with a flashlight that can be switch in UV mode. In this state, it can destroy vegetation or afraid enemies.
The UV light use energy that can be see in the UI. When it run out, the player need to wait a longer time after be able to use it again.
He is also equipped with an six shoot revolver that can not be used with the UV light.
The level end with a boss who have 3 phases with defferent attacks.
UI (User Interface)
The UI is composed of an health and energy barre, coin counter, and the object in this hand.
Through the level, the player can be stopped by a dialogue box that well guide him.
There is also an health barre for the boss that will appear when the player enter the room